
English Title
Author(s) Chinese Title
One to One David Helm 一对一读经 8
Growth Groups Colin Marshall 成长小组 15
Know and Tell the Gospel John Chapman 熟能生巧传福音 15
Postcard from Palestine Andrew Reid 迦南地的明信片 13
The Trellis and the Vine Colin Marshall,
Tony Payne
枝与架 15
Guidance and the Voice of God Phillip Jensen,
Tony Payne
神啊!求你引领 13
Prayer and the Voice of God Phillip Jensen,
Tony Payne
神啊!求你聆听 13
Faith Bryson Smith 11
Hope Bryson Smith 12
Can We Trust what the Gospels say about Jesus? Andrew Errington 福音书的记载可信吗? 4

Bible Studies

Beyond Eden – OT Phillip Jensen 超越伊甸园 9
The Beginning of Wisdom – OT Joshua Ng 智慧的开端 7
Famine and Fortune – OT Barry Webb, David Hohne 祸福相依 4
Full of Promise – biblical theology Bryson Smith,
Phil Campbell
应许满溢 8
From Shadow to Reality – biblical theology, NT Joshua Ng 影像成真 10
News of the Hour – NT Peter Bolt 头条新闻 10
The Vision Statement – NT Greg Clark 揭幕天国 9
Cash Values – topical Tony Payne 金钱的价值 5