English Title |
Author(s) | Chinese Title |
One to One | David Helm | 一对一读经 | 8 |
Growth Groups | Colin Marshall | 成长小组 | 15 |
Know and Tell the Gospel | John Chapman | 熟能生巧传福音 | 15 |
Postcard from Palestine | Andrew Reid | 迦南地的明信片 | 13 |
The Trellis and the Vine | Colin Marshall, Tony Payne |
枝与架 | 15 |
Guidance and the Voice of God | Phillip Jensen, Tony Payne |
神啊!求你引领 | 13 |
Prayer and the Voice of God | Phillip Jensen, Tony Payne |
神啊!求你聆听 | 13 |
Faith | Bryson Smith | 信 | 11 |
Hope | Bryson Smith | 望 | 12 |
Can We Trust what the Gospels say about Jesus? | Andrew Errington | 福音书的记载可信吗? | 4 |
Bible Studies
Beyond Eden – OT | Phillip Jensen | 超越伊甸园 | 9 |
The Beginning of Wisdom – OT | Joshua Ng | 智慧的开端 | 7 |
Famine and Fortune – OT | Barry Webb, David Hohne | 祸福相依 | 4 |
Full of Promise – biblical theology | Bryson Smith, Phil Campbell |
应许满溢 | 8 |
From Shadow to Reality – biblical theology, NT | Joshua Ng | 影像成真 | 10 |
News of the Hour – NT | Peter Bolt | 头条新闻 | 10 |
The Vision Statement – NT | Greg Clark | 揭幕天国 | 9 |
Cash Values – topical | Tony Payne | 金钱的价值 | 5 |