Man does not live by bread alone
Mi Mai Gong Fang
Evangelical resources for establishing Chinese-speaking Christians in the word of God and equipping them to bring the life giving Word to others. Resources include bible studies, training materials and books from our publishing partner Matthias Media. 为装备、建造华人基督徒而设的中文资料库。内有丰富查经资料、各类培训课程和属灵书籍等来自夥伴马提亚出版社的出版物。
Mi Mai Xue Tang
Introductory course studied by correspondence, with the goal of helping Chinese-speaking Christians to read the Bible more systematically and better understand God's word as a whole. Also known as "The PTC", this course has been offered by Moore Theological College in English for over 60 years. 为帮助华人基督徒更有系统地读懂圣经、更整体地理解神的话语而设立的神学基础课程。此课程由摩尔神学院开发,迄今已有六十多年的历史,在多个国家的基督徒中都享有盛誉。
Daily Bible Reading - Bao
Like the perfect morsel of dough and filling, Bao (bun in Chinese) is the all-in-one daily bible reading tool that's easy and convenient. There are 20 readings per book/topic - more than enough for a month - and each reading has the text of Scripture and a few multiple choice questions for reflection. Free! 为帮助华人基督徒养成每日读经的好习惯而设立的简易读经包。正如名字所言,包是皮和馅的完美结合,每一套读经包以圣经中的一本书为基础,设置了20个读经段落,并在读经之后配有帮助思考经文的简单选择题,这样每日一段经文,每一个月读完圣经中的一本书。免费哦!
Articles for Christian Thinking - Ku
A selection of articles from The Briefing magazine by our publishing partner Matthias Media. These articles address important topics for the Chinese Christians, and seek to help them think biblically and theologically about their Christian walk. Infographics for a birds-eye view of the Scriptures are also available thanks to Visual Unit. Free! 为帮助华人基督徒更符合圣经地思考基督徒每日生活而搜集的文库。文章涵盖基督徒如何工作、如何面对苦难、如何养成祷告习惯、如何处理两性关系、如何看待福音的历史性等等,还附有简洁明了的圣经信息图。免费哦!
耶稣《看》世界 Jesus Perspectives
Six short videos exploring the big issues of life raised by the coronavirus pandemic from the Gospel of Luke. How does Jesus see life and death, hope and security - and why should we trust him? Each video contains reflection/discussion questions on the key passage of Luke. [Originally developed by Moore College students during 2020 Mission] Free! 六个短视频,从路加福音探索冠状病毒大流行对生命提出的重大问题。耶稣是如何看待生死、希望、安全--他又为何值得我们去相信?每个视频也包含相关经文的反思/讨论问题。[原作由摩尔神学院的学生在2020年短宣所创] 免费哦!